Thursday, December 20, 2007


69. Are you the gentle breeze on a sweaty day or are you the silent wind before the ripping tornado? Both ways, I stand unguarded.
70. Even your Shadow deserts you at night.
71. FBI and CIA agents take pics of suspects in black and white for two reasons - 1. It gives a look into their darker side and 2. It doesn't show their true color.. Hmm contrasting....
72. I am the dew drop trying to quench your thirst. Oh Leaf of the mighty Lotus.
73. Belief in destiny is insanity.
74. In fact I was grateful for his accident. I had the chance to drive at top speed behind the ambulance :)
75. '1000 ways of how not to tie a tie'. Now that's a bestseller, if the knot's personal.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


57. We might be standing on the edge of the knife, not giving in or giving out. But we damn make sure that we make a blunt plateau of it and sleep on it (the thing that blurted out durin a discussion with Anand)
58. People pursue happiness. But only a hand full create happiness. I pursued happiness so long that I lost hope on it and now I create it.
59. The belief that change can do anything is vital for ones success. I believed I can change whatever bad is happening in life and am doing it.
60. Priests telling lies and lawyers speaking the truth - it happens not only in movies, in reality too.
61. No lawyer feels happy about winning all the time. He just stays confused on the way every truth he extracted out was in fact his very own life on one occassion.
62. Even your shadow deserts you in the dark.
63. I'll find you when you would do so. Count on it.
64. I was always afraid of biking with my dad. Either he slows down overtaking a vehicle and making me pray for life or he watches me with his cold eyes waiting for me to overspeed beyond legal speed by a mile.
65. My brother still thinks that I came to his high school classes on breaks to check the periodic table. Lil he knew that I checked on his girl classmates.
66. I learnt one thing by being in the streets 'U can never shit the shitter'
67. This world is a place of innocence ruled by blames.
68. I'm a greedy person. I live to watch the happiest moment in my life to let go of myself.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


52. I thought love was like a passing cloud. I was wrong, she came as rain and now I feel 'when does this tornado pass off my gurgling life?'
53. Are you God's most beautiful creation? Or has He gifted me with a selective eye sight? (courtesy Nishant Venkatesan)
54. Zero is also called 'O'. Oh Oooo is what I said when I saw the zero near the one, when I woke up at 10 instead of 1.
55. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. My ATRP reaction has an equal and opposite action on my mind.
56. It's one in a zillion probability to see me wait patiently for the walk signal to arrive in a free crossing line.

Friday, November 30, 2007


47. The best of a woman’s fragrance comes from her hair. Guess that’s why they are born short, so that one can smell bliss when you hug them.
48. 'Can't escape being evil. Every thought I evaporate of u is the share of love what Angel's fight for, in heaven' - The Angel's Share...
49. I never smoked a bud and never drank a bud. But I've definitely missed the day I became legal to them. But I can wait another year to announce 'No more underage fee for rental cars and insurance drops' Yipeeeeeee am 24!!!!
50. If there is a reason for everything, then definitely there is everything for one reason - the reason to succeed in life.
51. The strongest thing to break in ones life is their will power to succeed in life.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


39. Unified silence is deafening
40. Insanity and ingenuity are separated by a thin line.
41. Solitude – a boundary well beyond loneliness
42. The best question you can ask yourselves when you’re lonely, ‘How good can silence be?’
43. No opportunity knocks the door without risk and no risk involves any opportunity
44. The smartest way to become smarter is to play smart
45. Oh heaven! Ur tears can’t wash my anger; Oh wind! Ur chillness won’t spine my support, My anger and strength is what that makes my fall beautiful; I am ‘The Leaf of Fall Colors’
46. 1000000 passed; 100000 met; 10000 knew; 1000 have a crush; 100 think about; 10 like to be around; 1 loves u; remove the 1, and just like 0 my life has no value.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


32. Sometimes one's gotta be big enough to see how small he is...
33. They are too big, I am too small. You do the math...
34. As you go down to nanoscale; enhanced properties is not the only thing that happens, enhanced problems happen too....
35. Don’t move away like the breeze; Swear I can’t get you out of my dreams, I’d sacrifice all my glittering tears; To have you shining on my side, Hold me close to your heart; You would feel blessed from above; Ecoute Moi…. Regarde Moi… (I won't call this a quote coz this was a modified phrase from Aicha)
36. The fall rustle has to wait if one has to drown in the drops of the evening deluge.
37. There lay the heap of fallen leaves; Dive was what my heart made me do, There I heard the sound of it’s rustling; Throw was what my mind made me do, There I saw the dust settle onto my head; Smile was what my soul made me do, There I washed myself in the evening fountain; Cherish is what I made myself do…..
38. Using terms such as hot dog, taco and donut is not pervertness, it's sex education on the funny side.

Friday, October 19, 2007


31. Now I know Y I have bad memory. All the sand inside my skull is being converted to mud by lab sweat.

32. It ain't over till you kick the bucket of water.

33. Moneyac - The term I give for being greedy

34. Some people are like names written on the sand. A small gust of wind is enough to erase it from the sands of time.

35. The disadvantage of the fifth sense. Though you have the whole world to fullfil your thoughts to, people tend to accept that they are lonely.

36. If crossing cats mean bad luck, what do you call a dozen squirrels crossing during fall?

Monday, October 15, 2007

30 (10-15-07)

24. Mind on a windy flame; Toes on unreachable sands; I saw an L on ur aged lines, In days u merried the presence, But the irony of blunders is all that remain; And you are part of that world.....

25. The only time when concrete seems like quick sand is when you are scared of your self.

26. If miracles happen in life, then NOW is the time I badly need one.

27. People never forgot 'Houston we have a problem', but they'll always forget 'And we have landed safe' - That's how the world works!

28. One day in the future when I turn the pages of my past, I would laugh at the ways I appreciated lives of my friends, but shall be sorrow of my own ways of life.

29. Is it possible to find a wormhole of quicksand and transition ourselves into the fantasy world we always dream off?

30. A man needs a couple of years to be for self and the only way he can do it is by doing a David Blayne act - disappear....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


19. If he is bad, then they cry the rest of their lives. If he is good, then they make him cry the rest of his life. One way or the other, someones getting dehydrated.

20. The heart - It's jus 300 grams of meat. Eat it out.....

21. Crossed the seven seas of love and reached land. But am still floating the bliss of love......

22. Friends desert not you when they forget you, but desert friendship.

23. Heard, Her Hertz Hurts Hearts.....

Friday, October 5, 2007

10-05-07 (2 pm)

13. As my hands reach the chins in thought, Nostalgia hits me - a boy who frothed cream on his face just to break the shackles of longevity from having his dad’s majestic beard and a twenties energetic moustache. Now, all I do is waiting for my sleep to end early so that I can prune myself as one in the fashionable world.

14. If you want me to be the like the other guy, then get in the fucking wormhole and meet my alternate. Then you'll understand what I am made of.

15. It is never good to be too good. Especially to the ones you love.

16. I don't smoke, I don't drink and I don't dope. Then why the hell am I always in the bliss of optimism?

17. 0.08 is too high a number for me to be the limit.

18. Only gravity can fill the sea of tranquility.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Gmail signature

10. With criticism, I learn to condemn;
With hostility, I learn to fight;
With ridicule, I learn to be shy;
With shame, I learn to feel guilty;
With tolerance, I learn to be patient;
With encouragement, I learn confidence;
With praise, I learn to appreciate;
With fairness, I learn justice;
With security, I learn to have faith;
With approval, I learn to like myself;
With acceptance and friendship, I learn to find love in the world;
I love the world as it is and I thrive to make it better…..

11. For me, today is never the end of the world coz it's already tommorrow in Australia

12. There are no problems in life, Just Issues.. PS there is never a bad experience. It is always a learning experience.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Let me make history now

In less than a year I had generated roughly around a thousand quotes of my own. I never cared for replacing one quote with another. But now after seeing T shirts with my quotes and people giving my quotes back to me, I guess it's time to document 'em. PS every great person in the world is remembered the most with his/her quotes. I hope some day I would be remembered by my quotes TOO. (I shall make my mark in many ways). Well lemme start the first set of quotes which I used for the day.

1. The realities of failure is much more pleasant than the dreams of success.

2. Waiting has relatively been the Einstein's stove.

3. I'd rather prefer sitting on the hot stove for 2 minutes instead of sitting with a girl of this age for 2 hours. (Meaning of the 2nd quote)

4. I don’t use a magic lamp;
I don’t rub my back for a genie,
I ain’t Aladdin with a monkey;
But I am my very own genie with a mind,
And I pat my back for being a geni(e)ous;
And still I don’t use a magic lamp.

5. I didn’t walk all the way in my life to accept failure. I might have had shattered dreams, but from now on I shall walk in my boulevard of broken dreams to glue them into successful reality. Sacrifices have no meaning if they don’t add up to a reason – a reason to succeed. I had my chances to quit, but I’d quit on quitting long back. I’m back to take what life’s been trying to take back from me – Purpose to succeed. I had 5 minutes to wallow in the melancholy of delicious misery. I enjoyed it, embraced it, discarded it and now it is time to proceed towards the route to success….

6. Then beat the hearts of love, Now beats the hearts with the pea-womb, and will beat the hearts of family.

7. Silence sometimes is deafening and sometimes darkness throws light into one's future.

8. Nascent tear flowed from her orbs of Eros; Relished hearts around her Eutychia physique, Daisies of breath succumbing at her lips. Oh Tear! I wish I was you, born as her tear, lived life in her cheeks of happiness, and died at her beautiful lips. I wish I was you.... I wish...

9. Organized Entropy - Thats how the day goes. Activated, Collided, Pressured, Reacted and finally Changed.

10. The lion runs to catch the deer and the deer runs to avoid the lion. In short everyone has to run one way or the other every day, every moment. So let me start running in life.