Thursday, December 20, 2007


69. Are you the gentle breeze on a sweaty day or are you the silent wind before the ripping tornado? Both ways, I stand unguarded.
70. Even your Shadow deserts you at night.
71. FBI and CIA agents take pics of suspects in black and white for two reasons - 1. It gives a look into their darker side and 2. It doesn't show their true color.. Hmm contrasting....
72. I am the dew drop trying to quench your thirst. Oh Leaf of the mighty Lotus.
73. Belief in destiny is insanity.
74. In fact I was grateful for his accident. I had the chance to drive at top speed behind the ambulance :)
75. '1000 ways of how not to tie a tie'. Now that's a bestseller, if the knot's personal.

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