Saturday, May 29, 2010


561. Don't die trying to live forever.
562. Replying scissors instead of rock might have saved the ticket , when the cop who pulled over me said "Papers".
563. When things turn their back at you, just wind up and kick it in its ass.
564. Oh, the stars so.... many, and the labels so..... complicated - The jumbled state of the current mailbox!
565. Your shark ability makes me the sucker fish. Of course to cling on to.
566. Don't run away from the past, as it is always behind you. But do walk from the past as it can only be behind you.
567. F=ma; You can't force things when all that exists is negative progress/deceleration.
568. I feel like Donald Duck robbed of his nuts by the two dastardly chipmunks.
569. Seems like nucleation started way back in an unnoticed era. The hearts turning into a stone.
570. There is a thin line between learning from the past and ruling over the past! And I've been pointed out that I'm still stuck to the line.

Friday, May 14, 2010


551. Eenie meenie miney moe, in which car should I go?? The one with the moon roof!
552. I single handedly made my task manager not responding!
553. I seriously don't know what this is. But a F will only signify it's seriousness.
554. The conscience wants to fly high with its white wings. But it's kept on check by it's forked tail attached to the ground.
555. Cut the trees, build a bunch of apartments, and then name the street with the tree's name. Strange country!
556. A 76 page pdf file providing formatting guidelines for a 12 page grant proposal. Sheesh to NIH grants!
557. Don't be a Hero and don't be you!
558. I call under a state of "eternal dibs".
559. As time passes by, we change so much that we become our own doppelgangers.
560. One generation is growing faster, while the other is growing older faster and we are sandwiched to make slow and steady grown up decisions.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


541. Laughing your heart out along with kids really high on sugar is a true blessing of a stress buster.
542. Sometimes you have to lose something just because you have fallen for it.
543. Technically, when it sucks, pressure should drop.
544. When you think about the devil all the time, there's no effect in the devil showing up.
545. Shorts and slippers and stars and............... Solvents!
546. Bold bean brained brats!
547. Really low on my suga baby.
548. Technically, when it sucks, pressure should drop!!! :-?
549. We are all bugs in the big windshield of life..... Squish!!!! :D
550. Birds fly in V formation to save energy. I'm wondering does nature also behave in a way that teamwork results in collective laziness?