Friday, May 14, 2010


551. Eenie meenie miney moe, in which car should I go?? The one with the moon roof!
552. I single handedly made my task manager not responding!
553. I seriously don't know what this is. But a F will only signify it's seriousness.
554. The conscience wants to fly high with its white wings. But it's kept on check by it's forked tail attached to the ground.
555. Cut the trees, build a bunch of apartments, and then name the street with the tree's name. Strange country!
556. A 76 page pdf file providing formatting guidelines for a 12 page grant proposal. Sheesh to NIH grants!
557. Don't be a Hero and don't be you!
558. I call under a state of "eternal dibs".
559. As time passes by, we change so much that we become our own doppelgangers.
560. One generation is growing faster, while the other is growing older faster and we are sandwiched to make slow and steady grown up decisions.

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