Monday, October 15, 2007

30 (10-15-07)

24. Mind on a windy flame; Toes on unreachable sands; I saw an L on ur aged lines, In days u merried the presence, But the irony of blunders is all that remain; And you are part of that world.....

25. The only time when concrete seems like quick sand is when you are scared of your self.

26. If miracles happen in life, then NOW is the time I badly need one.

27. People never forgot 'Houston we have a problem', but they'll always forget 'And we have landed safe' - That's how the world works!

28. One day in the future when I turn the pages of my past, I would laugh at the ways I appreciated lives of my friends, but shall be sorrow of my own ways of life.

29. Is it possible to find a wormhole of quicksand and transition ourselves into the fantasy world we always dream off?

30. A man needs a couple of years to be for self and the only way he can do it is by doing a David Blayne act - disappear....

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