Tuesday, January 5, 2010


421. Space, the final frontier. Does it allow the travel of a vacuum cleaners noise? What does the vacuum cleaner suck out of space? These are the questions of captain Krack, to boldly ask questions which no man has asked before.
422. Cloudy with a chance of 'just' balls!
423. The bull has to charge you for the milk you took from his cow.
424. I know its really winter when my root canal trenched molar aches more than the dry itchy skin.
425. SA failed to peel the Onion and so had to cry.
426. The best lesson I learned so far in PhD is 'The reward for a result well obtained is more experiments'
427. Is it rude to suggest "Say Cheese...." to a lactose intolerant poser?
428. The freedom of a coincidental status message usually comes free with doom.
429. It's raining colors.. If you consider white as composed of all colors.
430. Seems like the line between genious and insanity got erased in transition as I've turned into a Mad Scientist.

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