Monday, March 2, 2009


313. I notice extreme opposition to the developement of roads in the States. Coz everytime I go through a construction zone, some bugger puts up the sign "END CONSTRUCTION".. Jeez... I wonder what his problem is??
314. He who laughs last din't quite understand the joke.
315. No cliff can be climbed, if it does not have cracks to hold on to.
316. In my defense..... Screw it!!! It's better I spree like an olympic drug tester.
317. Many an odd-man-out makes a set of odd men.
318. '.' is end. '..........' is continuation. Sheesh!! PUNctuations!!
319. The exit came earlier than I had expected.
320. Phunny Slang: A contorted tongue can mean "I love natural beauty" to "I love natural booty".
321. Phobie phyllus - Love for Fright that keeps you Charged up.
322. Interesting, Stupid, Strange! I don't know how to call this - 'I can write a two page blog post in about 15 mins. But it takes about 30 mins on an average to just pen a quarter page introduction for a technical paper'.
323. The Full Moon is a reminder that once it wasn't prettier... In fact it will never be....

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