Friday, August 29, 2008


193. The problem in getting up early on a jobless day is that, you know right away that its going to be a long jobless day.
194. Deprived of the smile I expect and deserve the most.
195. Another parting feather makes the phoenix wingless. But this one’s not going to the ashes.
196. Slumber among the lane of firing shadows - flickering beauty.
197. Walking through freshmen and sophomere newbies is fun. It’s like playing Tetris, where you need to change your walking style and pace to squeeze through the hotties in line. I just love the start of fall every year.
198. Sometimes life has a lot to ask from you and you go into the bi(t)chy state.
199. There are moments in my life when I go pessimistic and say "Things can't get any worse than this". But being an optimistic guy I always bounce back and tell myself "Don't be negative. Of course it can"
200. If I'd been a vacuum cleaner, I'd be the best damn vacuum cleaner in the whole wide world. Coz, I suck awesome at everything I try.

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