Wednesday, April 6, 2011


691. Aliens fricking can't contact us coz of all the noise from space junk.
692. The grass is always greener in the Easter basket!
693. Imaginary numbers and inequalities don't exist in mathematics. Then how come this inequality is a common term "i<3 u"?
694. Aliens fricking can't contact us coz of all the noise from space junk.
695. Yet another reason that I fall under the category of geekdom "Z = x*x/a*a - y*y/b*b; The hyperbolic paraboloid equation that defines the shape of a Pringle"
696. If February can March, April May too.
697. Easter made easier with just a letter change.
698. "Uh Oh! I shouldn't have ordered the pay per view for the royal wedding using the real name", Osama's last words.
699. With great power comes a big fat electric bill.
700. For some weird reason, it's easier for me to fall asleep in a seminar than in my bed.