Thursday, February 28, 2008


106. Belief in God means believing the very existence of hell. Too bad, turning agnostic, I live to pay my sins. But.... I 'might' believe, if I can live the rest of my life happy and spend the remainder of my punishment in the eternal inferno of hell
107. Never had I predicted that I wrote the words on running water. What I do now is to freeze it to concrete ice, so that I can mold it into truth
108. Remember me not as Perfect, but as a man; Fallible and Flawed....
109. When COexisting, COnveying INICIDENTS keeps you COnfused, just accept them as COINCIDENCE
110. 'Can't escape being evil. Every thought I evaporate of her is the share of love what Angel's fight for in heaven' - The Angel's Share

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


101. Sometimes I sit on a faster-than-light spaceship journeying several years to feel my nose. And this Pinocchio does lie.
102. I can help you out. Which way did you come 'in'?
103. You guys lack being whimsy. U are seriously handicapped or deranged.
104. I am not perfect. I can never fit into a perfect square.
105. I am consumed by the blankness of a saintly void. The flame of silence keeps it brightly filled.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A slow century......

93. Who is Victoria and What is her Secret?

94. The highest respect given in any sport would be for sportsmanship rather than for winning.

95.While I play with words like “Which is harder? Denial towards accepting failure or accepting the denial towards failure?” the world thinks that I’m a philosopher

96. Unlike my past, it is the future I am changing with my present state

97. Scientifically saying, life doesn't begin when the sperm meets the egg, but 18 days later when the embryo infuses with blood.... Bloody lively

98. Either it's a free show or a free stare when you ask the question, 'Who is Victoria n What is her secret?' to a pretty lady in the mall

99. In years, I've casually grown into a casualty of accepting life as it comes

From the needle who crept around the darkness of the haystack, I emerged as a gave-up needle, whose major victory was in the realization of knowing where it is and how different am I from the haystack, rather than cribbing about the oddity of the situation and the question of ‘when shall I be realized?’